Saturday, September 9, 2006


So I have been here for 3 full days and it has been fantastic! My spanish is still crap, but I am able to understand an OK amount, but my speaking skills need work. I have been lucky to be able to hangout with Nicole and David, as well as Jessica and Eduardo, the young dentist and doctor who are here on a rural practice, and Rosemary who makes the best dinners for us and many more. It's been great socializing!

Yesterday Nicole and I went for a hike. Most of it was on a dirt road, and a lot of it was flat, but the parts that weren't, really impacted my lungs! I don't think I've ever been at this elevation before, so any physical activity, including walking the short walk from the store where I buy awesome chocolate, up the hill to Nicole's, makes me winded. We walked and walked and walked, and eventually the road ended. it didn't lead anywhere. No villages, no agricultural plots. There was just a caterpillar and some oil drums. Apparently the local government had one road project in the works, and was working on this other 2nd random unneeded road so that it could say it had done road project¨s¨. Peru is getting ready for local elections, so it has been hilarious listening to the debauchery that is local politics.

I can't describe how neat it has been to be here. Waking up to the donkey, pigs, and sheep who live next door. The amzing views (though I am looking forward to the snow capped Andes as I head to Caraz tomorrow). Having Rosemary sit me down so I could tell her how to plan an event (she is the default event planner in the village, including an upcoming National Women's Day in Pamparomas). She has given me the nickname Mina. I've been told it means ¨Little Trina¨.

Apparently there are birthday party plans in the works for me tonight. A cake recipe was picked out. Jessica was asking what gift I wanted - ¨a kiss from the doctor?¨ He has a crush on Nicole :) If the few shots of pisco I had last night are any indication, the birthday should be fun. I've already been treated to guinea pig today.

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